M & R Janitorial Services

04/18/1997 97-14 Is TP excused from Gross receipts taxes because TP did not understand that services for federal government were taxable and because the department did give TP a firm answer; -- Lack of knowledge about taxes does not relieve the liability and TP was...

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Novick’s Painting

04/18/1997 97-13 TP argued “double taxation” - TP failed to obtain and execute NTTC’s to suppliers and began deducting the cost of goods and materials from gross receipts; Hearing Officer denied TP protest - the tax, penalty and interest is due and there is no “double...

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Margaret’s Upholstery

03/27/1997 97-11 Lack of NTTC’s for sales made by spouse - Greater than 25% under reporting and penalty and interest from 1998; Taxes were due for lack of NTTC; penalty and interest were properly assessed and due. Back to Tax Decisions & Orders

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David Hawkinson

03/13/1997 97-09 Reimbursement of moving expenses were deducted from federal adjusted gross income for NM purposes on belief that the reimbursement was not subject to state taxation – TP protested the tax, penalty and interest assessed; Department agreed penalty not...

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Claude Burger Lath & Plaster

03/07/1997 97-08 Lack of NTTC’s for resale of construction services after 60 day notice and penalty and interest assessed; TP improperly took deductions because of the lack of timely receipts of an NTTC and penalty and interest was properly assessed on taxes not paid....

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Lockheed Missles & Space Company

03/06/1997 97-07 TP protested a portion of an audit claiming Section 7-9-13.1 applies to the services performed out-of-state; Section 7-9-13.1 does not apply because the contracts were for R&D the product of which was delivered into NM for initial use in NM. Back...

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BR Interiors, Inc. dba New Mexico Carpet Sales

02/11/1997 97-06 TP protested designation as Successor in Business; TP is a successor even though no formal “sale” took place - TP acquired the business, customers, employees, etc. from predecessor. Back to Tax Decisions & Orders

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Rio Rancho Pharmacy

02/10/1997 97-05 Late filed and paid CRS-1 returns because of bookkeeper health problems and computer problems - penalty and interest were initially protested - only penalty remains at issue - Penalty was properly due since TP chose to ignore the tax issue until after...

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Ruth Dilts dba The Garden Spot

01/31/1997 97-04 TP was issued a 1099 and filed Sch C for tax year 1988 - claimed to be an employee and that statute of limitations for assessing has expired; Protest was denied - TP was not an employee and statute of limitations had not expired. Back to Tax Decisions...

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