Request a Managed Audit

Under the Tax Administration Act qualifying taxpayers can participate in managed audits under approved conditions.

In an effort to make tax administration more user friendly, New Mexico law allows qualifying taxpayers to conduct managed audits, or “self-audits”, under prescribed circumstances for one or more tax programs subject to the Tax Administration Act. Included among those tax programs are gross receipts, compensating, corporate income, withholding and personal income taxes.

A managed audit is governed by a signed agreement between the taxpayer and the Secretary of Taxation and Revenue.

The managed audit program allows a taxpayer to disclose tax due and avoid paying penalty and interest, provided the assessment is paid within 180 days from the assessment date. If the assessment is not paid in full within 180 days, interest will be assessed on any remaining tax due from the time that tax was originally due until it is paid

Click here to apply for a managed audit:

For information about managed audits see FYI-404: Managed Audits for Taxpayers including who qualifies and how to apply.

Managed Audits hotline: 505-841-6216
Managed Audits email: