Brian Blount

11/03/2000 00-29 Taxpayer, an artist, sold his artwork through consignment agreements with galleries located both inside and outside New Mexico. Taxpayer also owned a large warehouse in New Mexico, which he used as a studio and occasionally rented to film companies....

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Quality Exteriors, Inc.

10/02/2000 00-28 The Taxpayer is a construction business based in Texas. In March 1998, after a standard field audit, the Department assessed the Taxpayer for gross receipts tax, penalty and interest on receipts from performing construction services in New Mexico. The...

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Ronald and Gloria Frost

09/19/2000 00-27 The Taxpayer was an unlicensed building contractor who entered into contracts to provide all materials and labor to complete a specified construction project. Taxpayer disclosed the name of his customer when making materials purchases, but purchased...

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Layton Talbott d/b/a Silk & Stones

08/31/2000 00-25 The Taxpayer sells tangible personal property at both wholesale and retail. After a limited scope audit, the Department assessed the Taxpayer for gross receipts tax, penalty and interest on resale receipts he deducted without obtaining NTTCs from his...

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Thomas M. and Martha L. Parrell

08/31/2000 00-26 Taxpayers were assessed gross receipts tax based upon compensation Mrs. Parrel received from performing services as a registered nurse and reported on a Federal Schedule C.  Taxpayers argued that the compensation was received as an...

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Michael L. Flure

08/23/2000 00-24 Taxpayer was assessed gross receipts on receipts reported on his Federal Schedule C. Taxpayer claimed that the compensation reported on his Schedule C was actually compensation received in the capacity of an employee and was therefore exempt from...

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Dr. Edward E. Gilmour

07/24/2000 00-23 The Taxpayer was assessed gross receipts tax based upon receipts reported to the IRS on his Federal Schedule C as receipts from engaging in business. Taxpayer argued that the receipts were wages, which were deductible, pursuant to Section 7-9-17....

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Rioja, Inc.

07/21/2000 00-22 The Taxpayer paid the gross receipts tax due for February 2000 eleven days late and was assessed penalty and interest by the Department. The Taxpayer paid the penalty amount due but not the interest amount assessed. The Taxpayer protested the penalty...

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Bienvenidos Resort Inc.

07/19/2000 00-21 Taxpayer is engaged in the business of renting apartments.  Taxpayer started business with two apartment units in 1991. At that time the Taxpayer was told by the Department to register for payment of gross receipts tax. In 1992 or 1993,...

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Wolf Corporation

07/17/2000 00-20 Taxpayer is a corporation engaged in business in New Mexico.  Due to the large dollar volume of the Taxpayer’s business, the Taxpayer is required to pay its monthly CRS taxes according to special payment procedures set...

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